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Life jacket lights at sea, also known as 'flotation lights' or 'safety lights', are essential to ensure the visibility of a person in the water during emergency situations. These lights are designed to be waterproof and buoyant, and are often equipped with an automatic or manual activation system.

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Approved daytime distress signal by Maritime Authorities according to Solas 74/96 regulations, to be used on: ships, boats and life rafts and rescue vessels.
Price including mandatory fee from 01/01/2018 of €4.27 as disposal contribution

Disponibile a breve
Hand-held red light flare with pull ignition, lasting 60 seconds. Suitable for recreational boating, fishing, and merchant marine. Validity of 4 years. Always supplied fresh from production.
In arrivo, puoi procedere al pre ordine

Night distress signal, lighting for search and rescue operations. Use on ships, rafts, lifeboats and for leisure. In accordance with the "SOLAS 74/96 International Marine Equipment" regulations, MED 96/98 EC, Directive 2012/32/EU, IMO Res. MSC. 81 (70) as amended.

Sales for Italian customers only

€14.93 -27%
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LALIZAS' “Alkalite II” light is a reliable and compliant solution for improving visibility and safety at sea. Designed to automatically activate upon contact with water, it offers intense brightness thanks to long-lasting LED technology.

Key features:

  •     Automatic ON-OFF activation: Turns on automatically upon contact with water and can be turned off manually.
  •     Certifications: Complies with USCG and SOLAS/MED standards;
  • Universal size clamp: Easily fits and locks in two moves with any life jacket belt from 20-50 cm, providing safety and stability against sudden panic movements.
  • Alkaline battery: ensures a 5-year lifespan and more than 8 hours of continuous operation.